Leek Life July/August 2013 | Page 22


Away with the ‘ Fairies ’ - tooth fairies that is

Local author celebrates publishing success

IT has been 17 years in the making but for 48 year old local woman Clare Fower , what started as a tall tale to get the children in her family to brush their teeth , has turned into a publishing success story in its own right .
The enchanting tale follows the lives of the Bramblefrost Fairies who live in the giant hedgerow that surrounds Bramblefrost Manor . It is the first book , Hillswood Avenue resident Clare , has had published despite coming up with the idea of the story years ago when her own son Adam now 27 and her niece and nephew also in their 20s were little .
“ When the kids asked why they had to clean their teeth I would tell them the tale of the tooth fairies who use the teeth as bricks to make their houses , pointing out to them that fairies need good strong teeth to make good strong houses ! And so the secret life of the tooth fairy was born .” Explained Clare .
22 Leek Life July / August 2013
Her own childhood growing up in the countryside and her love of nature , animals and of the outdoors also helped inspire Clare when she put pen to paper and wrote the story . What began as a little yarn about the tooth fairy became a firm favourite of the children in her family who would always ask to hear more and more about the lives of the little magical creatures .
A stunning read for all fairy loving children and adults alike , the book follows the adventures of Muddy , Twotone , Shade , and Shimmer as they are chased by foxes , stalked by an owl , race rabbits , ice skate on a frozen bird bath , go swimming in the garden fountain and are even captured by the gardener and locked in a doll ’ s house . Its all in a days work for the Bramblefrost Fairies as they collect the teeth from the children of the local villages .
Clare , along with her husband Dave who secured the publishing of
the book as a surprise for his wife last Christmas recently staged a book signing at Over the Rainbow toy shop in Derby Street . All proceeds from the event were donated to the owners daughter 13 year old Leah Powell who is battling cancer .
“ We sold 15 books and raised about £ 80 for Leah at the book signing along with donations so it was a good day . We have also left the remaining books at Over the Rainbow for them to sell and which can also be signed if required .”
Clare ’ s husband Dave , an Engineering Technician at Keele University added : “ It really is difficult for new authors nowadays to get started so we are deeply indebted to New Generation Publishing for helping Clare on this journey , and I for one am immensely proud of her .”
The book , priced £ 6.99 , is available in shops and online at Waterstones and Amazon or check out the website at www . bramblefrost-fairies . co . uk .