Ledbury Focus Winter 2019/2020 Ledbury Focus Dec-Jan 2020 v3 | Page 55

procedure along with some kinesiology based self- help tips for balancing the meridian and some very specific nutritional guidance. Situations that can affect kidney and adrenal balance may include: t Over excursion of any sort t Stress t Fear t Dehydration / over hydration t Infections t Nutritional deficiencies t Specific health issues t Excessive alcohol consumption t Consumption of stimulants t Excessive exercise t Some pharmaceutical drugs Problems that may arise with kidney and adrenal imbalance include: t Dizziness t Tiredness and exhaustion t Headaches / Migraine t Abdominal pain t Pain in back, thighs and knees t Arthritic conditions t Urinary infections t High blood pressure t Hair loss t Hormonal related problems in both sexes t Thyroid related issues t Oedema / water retention How you can help your kidneys and adrenals Tap your K1 and K27 points – The K1 point is the start point of the kidney meridian and is situated just below the ball of the foot on both sides. If you bunch your fingers together and tap or gently massage this area you will hit the point. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this point is called the “wellspring of life” point because it is considered so potent at balancing not only kidney energy but enhancing general vitality and well-being. The K27 point is the end-point of the kidney meridian. The K27s are located on each side of the body, just below your clavicle, you will feel a slight dip/indent. If you bunch your fingers together and tap this area it will help to energise the kidney meridian. Drink beetroot juice – Beetroot is a wonderful kidney tonic either eaten raw or as a juice, it will really benefit the kidneys. Buckwheat, beans, brown rice Ledbury Focus and sea vegetables are also excellent kidney foods. Keep hydrated – when we are dehydrated the kidneys don’t function as well as they should but do not over hydrate the body otherwise the kidneys will have to work much harder. Book a Bowen treatment – In Bowen we have a specific procedure that can address the kidneys and adrenals. This procedure works at a physical level to address problems in these areas but also at a subtle level addressing the kidney meridian. In practice, I use this procedure for a multitude of symptoms including; back problems, adrenal exhaustion, fatigue, ME, specific kidney related problems i.e. infections, bladder problems, Incontinence, oedema, dizziness, lymphatic blockage, fear/fright, arthritic conditions and on occasion knee problems. Book a Health Kinesiology treatment – Health Kinesiology (HK) is an holistic therapy that is concerned with balancing the body and energy systems. Health Kinesiology communicates with your body by using a technique called muscle testing which helps reveal where there is imbalance and identifies how balance can be restored. In a HK session I may work to identify allergies, or chemical imbalance, release psychological or emotional stress, re-balance meridians and chakras or other parts of your energy system, and advise on nutrition or other lifestyle issues. Book a place on my Wellness Workshop – in my Wellness Workshop I teach many techniques that can be used to help balance the body and it’s many energy systems. You will come away with several tools & techniques that can be used quickly on a daily basis to influence health and well-being. My next workshop will take place in February 2020. Please check my website for further details or email me to register your interest. * * * * * * Happy Christmas and New Year to all who read my article here and all of my fabulous clients. I wish you continued good health throughout the festive season and into the New Year! * * * * * * Contact me for more information To find out more either give me a call on T: 01531 579 035 or M: 07904 457 075 or email me on E: helen@ complete-balance.co.uk. You can also find more information on my website www.complete-balance. co.uk and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter! 55