The Importance of Kidney
and Adrenal Health for
General Vitality
by Helen Mawson, BSc Hons, DIpM, BTAA, BAUK, KFRP
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t’s the time of year when we
all need a little extra help with
our health and vitality! In this
article, I share with you some
information on how we can
balance our kidney and adrenal
health for general health and
vitality. I will also share with you
some self-help tips for stimulating
energy and giving you more
vitality helping you stay in tip top
condition throughout Christmas
and into the New Year!
Location of the kidneys and
The kidneys are located on the
back of the body on each side in
the region bounded superiorly by
the twelfth rib, medially by the
vertebral column and inferiorly
by the superior lilac crest. The
adrenal glands are located just
above the kidneys on both sides,
each gland has an outer cortex
and an inner medulla.
Physical function of the kidneys
and adrenals
The primary physical function of
the kidneys is to remove waste
products of metabolism from our
bodies. Our kidneys perform
essential activities to the urinary
system and also serve homeostatic
functions such as the regulation
of electrolytes, maintenance of
acid-base balance and regulation
of blood pressure. The kidneys
work to filter the blood and
remove water soluble wastes
which are diverted to the bladder.
The adrenal glands are endocrine
glands and they produce a variety
of hormones including adrenaline,
cortisol and aldosterone.
The kidney and adrenals work
together synergistically to
regulate several body functions
one of the main functions, for
example, is blood pressure. The
kidneys make renin which tells
the adrenals to make hormones
that regulate fluid volume, vascular
tension and sodium levels.
Kidney health and Traditional
Chinese Medicine
In terms of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) our kidneys are
where we store our vital energy
and general vitality. The balance
of kidney energy is crucial and
essential to good overall health
and balance. When the kidneys
are well the qi or energy in a
person is balanced and well and
this qi / energy can be distributed
as it is needed. When the kidneys
are damaged this ability to
distribute qi / energy becomes
impaired. A TCM practitioner,
Acupuncturist or Kinesiologist
would generally work to stimulate
the kidney meridian by gently
massaging or needling points on
the kidney meridian and on the
bladder meridian. This stimulation
would help balance the kidney
energy and kidney health would
become balanced as a result. In
practice, I would use a
combination of the Bowen kidney
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