Ledbury Focus Winter 2019/2020 Ledbury Focus Dec-Jan 2020 v3 | Page 56

 Repair Cafe Ledbury - opening February F ed up with having to replace stuff because you can’t get it repaired? Come and see what we can do at Ledbury’s new Repair Cafe. Repair Cafes are friendly, free meeting places, and they’re all about repairing things. A team of expert volunteers with all kinds of repair skills is there to meet visitors who bring their broken items from home. If we can, we’ll fix them for you! This could be clothes, electrical appliances, crockery, furniture, toys etc. And you can have a hot drink and homemade cake whilst you wait. To get started we need your help: t Do you have skills at repairing things? t Are you good at making cakes? t Would you serve tea and coffee to people whilst they wait? love to give them a good home. We need all kinds of everyday tools and sewing materials. If you have some, contact us on the email address above. If the answer to any of these is “Yes!” and you would like to join our friendly team of volunteers, please contact us for more information, on [email protected]. Our first Repair Café will be at the Burgage Hall on Saturday 1st February 2020, from 10.am to 12.30pm. Come along and support us, and bring something for us to fix. Repairs are free, but we do invite voluntary donations to help us cover costs. Do you have a shed or cupboard at home full of tools or equipment which you no longer use? We’d Supported by Sustainable Ledbury and Repair Café International www.repaircafe.org t Do you enjoy meeting people? 7KHRQO\WKLQJZHFDQ·W JXDUDQWHHLVWKHZHDWKHU :LWK0DOYHUQ*ODVV\RX·UHJXDUDQWHHGTXDOLW\ZRUNPDQVKLSDQG SHDFHRIPLQGZLWKHYHU\ZLQGRZGRRUDQGFRQVHUYDWRU\LQVWDOODWLRQ $OORIIHUHGZLWKRXUXQLTXH\HDULQVXUDQFHEDFNHGJXDUDQWHH LQIRUPHG UHOLDEOH KRQHVW  )5((QRREOLJDWLRQTXRWDWLRQV *HWDQLQVWDQWJXLGHSULFHRQOLQHDW ZZZPDOYHUQJODVVFRXN 56 7UXVWHGIRURYHU\HDUV IULHQGO\ SURIHVVLRQDO  6KRZURRPRSHQDW6SULQJ/DQH1RUWK0DOYHUQ 0RQ)ULDPSP_6DWDPQRRQ :LQGRZV 9 'RRUV  9 &RQVHUYDWRULHV  9  0DOYHUQ*ODVVLVD1HWZRUN9(.$ PHPEHUVR\RXFDQEHDVVXUHGRIWKH KLJKHVWTXDOLW\SURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFH To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]