Ledbury Focus February 2020 Ledbury Focus February 2020 v1 | Page 49
The Meridian circuits
Meridians are energy pathways that distribute
energy around the body and are important for
our Health.
Meridians were identified by Traditional Chinese
Medicine around 5000 years ago. Charts detailing
14 pathways in the human body have been
found; later research using radioactive isotopes
injected into the body have confirmed the
existence of these pathways to be exactly as
these charts depicted. The meridians are what
acupuncturists work with. In Health Kinesiology
we hold meridian points or gently massage them
in order to balance the circuit.
The Chakra system
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel; people
with clairvoyant abilities often see chakras on the
body as big wheels or circles of energy.
health, vitality and balance.
Quick self-help technique to balance your
The Thymus Tap
The Thymus tap is an efficient and effective
variation on a “Meridian Balance” that I perform
as a Kinesiologist before I work with a client.
Tapping the Thymus in this way for around 20
seconds will balance your meridian energy
system for around 30 minutes. It is a great
technique to get into the habit of using
throughout the day. It is perfect to use before or
after a stressful interaction or situation.
The Thymus Tap will:
t Balance all your meridians and energies
t Boost your immune system
t Dilute stress response
Chakras are also extremely important to our
health they are big energy centres and represent
different physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
aspects. t Increase strength & vitality
There are seven major chakras in the body, and
they run up the spine from back to front. Chakras
are extremely complex and further description is
beyond the scope of this article but please do
get in touch for book recommendations if you
are interested. t Tap around your thymus area (between your
throat and breast’s) in a large circle in
anticlockwise direction (or left to right) for 20
Health Kinesiology
Health Kinesiology is a healing system that is
built upon getting the body and energy systems
back into balance.
I originally trained in Health Kinesiology which
was developed by Dr Jimmy Scott in Canada in
1978. I also trained in Touch for Health
Kinesiology which was developed by Dr John
Thie in the ‘70s.
In my practice, I use Kinesiology when I am
looking at nutritional balance or allergies and
intolerance for clients. I also use the system for
balancing emotional issues or dealing with
things like phobias or fears.
My kinesiology training opened me to the
wonderful healing potential that we are all able
to access within our own bodies. The training I
undertook exposed me to and taught me many
techniques and tools in order to help restore
Ledbury Focus
Thymus Tap Technique
t Bunch the fingers of your dominant hand
Wellness Workshop
I developed my Wellness Workshop many years
ago and it is packed full of tools and techniques
that I give clients as homework to help keep
them balanced between sessions, much like the
technique described above.
I run the workshop over a day or half day
depending on the needs of the people attending.
My next half day workshop is taking place on the
29th February in Corse, Gloucestershire. For more
information please have a look at my website or
get in touch with me.
* * * * * *
Contact me for more information
I offer a free 15-minute telephone consultation so
you can find out more about the therapies I practice
and how they could help you. Contact me on T:
01531 579 035 or M: 07904 457 075, or via email on
E: [email protected]