Ledbury Focus February 2020 Ledbury Focus February 2020 v1 | Page 48

Energy Healing for Mind & Body by Helen Mawson, BSc Hons, DIpM, BTAA, BAUK, KFRP Contact me for more information I have clinics in Ledbury and Corse, Gloucestershire Contact me on: T: 01531 579 035 M: 07904 457 075 or email me at helen@complete -balance. co.uk You can also find out more information and article on my brand-new website: www.complete-balance. co.uk Newsletter Sign up for my newsletter via my website in order to receive health information and promotional offers. 48 What is energy? Energy is all around us, we are all made of energy; everything we see, smell, touch, hear and feel is also made up of energy. Energy can be influenced and changed, scientists are now beginning to realise to what extent they can influence energy in order to effect changes in many different and exciting ways. the energy systems to work positively together in order to inspire health and well-being. In terms of energy healing one of my roles as a therapist is to influence a change in a client’s energy system which will filter through to the physical, emotional or mental level and effect a change at the appropriate level for the client. Often results happen quickly when the imbalance at the energetic level is found and rectified and balance is restored. For example, if we consider how machines in hospitals take readings from our bodies, we can see that we are actually generating electrical currents and impulses; if we were not these machines would not be able to take any readings from us. We have different facets that make up our energy system just as we have different facets that make up our physical body systems. All of these facets both physical and energetic are linked and work together. Today in the techniques that I will show you we will influence the physical body systems and Two of the main energy systems that we will work with today are called the Meridian System and the Chakra System. If you find the word “energy” difficult to accept it is maybe easier for you to consider your body as an electric circuit board. When something in our electric circuit board fails or becomes blocked or stuck the overall functioning of our body becomes compromised and we get ill. What I do as a therapist is work to locate the blocked circuit and then work to unblock it so it can function properly once more as part of the whole circuit board. This is similar to how acupuncturists work but I don’t use needles! To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]