Activity sheet 1
Tobacco Topics
Your childhood, place of birth and family.
What is your favourite movie and why?
Do you take care of the environment in your
everyday life?
Do you have any “bad habits” and how did
they start?
Do you, a relative or a friend who is a
smoker? Why do they smoke?
What you would grow if you had a garden?
What do you grow in your garden if you have
one? Why?
Who was your role model when you were
younger? Why?
What is your dream job? Why?
Possible references to tobacco
Child labour in production of tobacco;
Tobacco companies working on specific
strategies for attracting clients based on social
status, family status, race, education, etc.
Movies are a tool for promoting smoking,
used intensively in the past but still used
Deforestation for tobacco production.
Pesticides used for tobacco production;
Pollution from processing, transporting and
using tobacco; non-degradable filters.
Tobacco is one of the most cultivated plants,
which is not used for food. Globally, we grow
more tobacco than mushrooms, cherries, and
Many “celebrities” participate in the direct or
indirect advertisement of smoking.
Rights of the tobacco workers around the
• Activity 2
Moving Debate
This activity explores our opinions around smoking and tobacco farming
To explore the groups views on smoking and tobacco farming.
To introduce some of the issues related to tobacco and its production
‘I agree’ and ‘I disagree’ signs printed
List of statements (see below)
Enough space for people to comfortably stand in a line