Learning Maths and Science Textbook | Page 27

Procedure Place the ‘I agree’ and ‘I disagree’ signs on opposite walls in the room. There should be enough space in between for people to stand and move around freely. Explain that you are going to read out a statement (see below) and each person must decide if they agree or disagree with it. If they strongly agree with what was read out, they should stand close to the ‘I agree’ sign. If they strongly disagree, they should stand close to the ‘I disagree’ sign. Depending on how strongly they feel they should find a space on the imaginary line that connects the ‘agree’ and ‘disagree’ statements. If they cannot decide or simply do not know, then they should stand in the middle. To start give them a simple statement like ‘summer is more fun than winter’. Once everyone is standing on the imaginary line , ask for a volunteer to share with the rest of the group why they chose to stand where they did. What is their opinion? Next ask a volunteer from the other side of the imaginary line. Ask the people to respond to their classmates. Can they convince someone to change their position? Go through each of the statements following the same procedure. When you have finished ask the class what they thought of the activity? What did they like? Dislike? Is it good to hear different points of view? Why? Why not? Does it matter if we have different points of view? Did anyone change their mind during the discussion? Statements Smoking is an activity people do with their friends. It is up to me if I smoke, it doesn’t affect anyone else. I have never thought about who makes the cigarettes that are sold in Scotland. Working on a tobacco farm can be bad for your health. It is more dangerous to smoke a cigarette than to work on a tobacco farm. Tobacco farmers are lucky as it is a good way of making money and lots of people buy cigarettes all over the world. It is okay for children to work on tobacco farms for free to help their parents. Evaluation Students create posters, comics, ppt presentations, to introduce their ideas. They use the internet to find more information. 26