• Activity 1
Chain talking
In this activity your students will get to know new things about each other by discussing
different topics, including smoking.
Students will talk about tobacco in our lives.
To explore some links between tobacco and everyday life.
To start thinking about smoking and tobacco.
Activity Sheet 1 – Tobacco Topics
Internet access
Pro cedure
Arrange the class into groups of four. Explain that this activity will let them find out more
about each other and some of the global issues connected to smoking.
Give the groups the first topic from the list and ask them to discuss it. After 2 minutes ask one
person from each group to join another group. Ask the groups to continue their discussion.
Give the groups the next topic on the list and ask them to discuss it for 2 minutes. Then every
2 minutes ask the groups to either swap 1 person from their group or give them a new topic
from the list to discuss. The activity is finished when all the topics have been discussed.
At the end ask the class the questions below to find out what they thought about the activity
and what they found out about each other and about the topic of tobacco and smoking.
For some topics they can use the Internet to find more information.
Class discussion questions
Did you like the activity?
Did you find out anything interesting about other people in your class?
What was the most interesting story/idea/fact that was shared?
Did you find any connection between the questions? What?
All the questions can be connected to tobacco and smoking. Can you find out how?
You can use the activity sheet to help make the connections.
Students create posters, comics or ppt presentations to introduce their ideas.