NEW Dry Mixes
Cut out the chemicals and the cost by learning how to make every day
kitchen staple mixes from scratch. You'll make and take: cream of chicken
soup mix, onion soup mix, Italian dressing mix, ranch dressing mix and taco
seasoning. You will also get 10 take home recipes to spice up your cooking!
Materials fee of $5 payable to instructor at class. Gina Carlson
Fresh Spring Rolls
Date: Thu, Oct 4
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm
Cost: $19
Class #: AEF6
Location: John Glenn, 116
Meet the owner of Bambú
Restaurant in Maplewood as she
shares the secret to making fresh
NEW Crock Pot Cooking
spring rolls, one of the restaurant’s
Are you using your crock pot to its full potential? Learn more about crock pot
best sellers. Although they are
cooking as you discover tips, recipe conversions, how to prepare meats, as
considered simple, they can be
well as an easy side dish that will make you look like a pro! You will prepare
challenging to get right and it takes
stuffed peppers to take home to cook. Supply fee $3/pepper payable at
a zen-like balance to really make
class. Please indicate number of peppers you would like and if you would
them memorable. Once you learn,
like hamburger, black bean or both. Bring a container to bring your peppers
you will be able to pass on Yin’s
home. Gina Carlson
lovely, elegant recipe and technique
for generations of your own family!
Date: Thu, Nov 1
Make four spring rolls plus take
Time: 6:30–9:00 pm
home a bottle of the amazing Bambú
Cost: $19
peanut sauce. Yin Thong
Class #: AEF7
Location: John Glenn, 116
Date: Tue, Sep 25
Time: 6:00–7:30 pm
Cost: $25
Class #: AEF4A
Location: Bambú Restaurant
Date: Tue, Oct 16
Time: 6:00–7:30 pm
Cost: $25
Class #: AEF4B
Location: Bambú Restaurant
Date: Tue, Nov 13
Time: 6:00–7:30 pm
Cost: $25
Class #: AEF4C
Location: Bambú Restaurant
Date: Tue, Dec 18
Time: 6:00–7:30 pm
Cost: $25
Class #: AEF4D
Location: Bambú Restaurant