Learning for All Catalog Fall 2018 | Page 16


Felted Wool Slippers
Repurpose your beloved old wool sweaters by learning the process of wool felting and making cozy wool slippers . Discuss the felting process and then create a custom pattern to fit your foot . Cut out one pair of slippers ( from felted wool provided by the instructor ) and one set of fleece lining . Then learn how to hand sew the slippers using a blanket stitch . Discuss how to sew the slippers on a sewing machine if you desire to do so at home . A $ 10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at class . Sheryl Grover
Date : Mon , Nov 5 Time : 6:00 – 8:30 pm Cost : $ 25 Class #: AEA20 Location : Stillwater Area High School , D206
Storage Basket
This multi-purpose basket with leather bushel handles has a 13 " square base , 18 " round top and 9 " sides . All materials except finishing stain will be provided to complete this project . A $ 44 supply fee is due to the instructor at the class . Feel free to bring a snack to class . Danielle Kling
Date : Sat , Nov 10 Time : 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Cost : $ 20 Class #: AEA18 Location : Stillwater Area High
School , C115
Smartphone Photography
You just snapped a quick photo at a family wedding or took a video of the baby ’ s first steps using your cell phone . Are you satisfied with the quality ? Discover the capabilities of your phone ’ s camera and discuss the basics of composition and light as well as hardware and software that is available to make your photos even better . You will have time to practice some of your new photographic skills and learn how to share your photos and how to print them . Ron Timm
Shibori Dyeing & Textile Center Tour
Explore the Japanese dyeing technique of shibori — the precursor to contemporary " tie-dye "— as you make a vibrant silk scarf , tea towel or wine gift bag . Learn about the history of color and how to use different tools and shaping methods to create stunning patterns and designs in the fabric . While your project is processing , you will tour the Textile Center and its various galleries . Before you leave , check out the artisan holiday shop . Textile Center
Date : Fri , Nov 9 Time : 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Cost : $ 55 Class #: AEA22 Location : Textile Center
Date : Thu , Nov 1 Time : 7:00 – 9:00 pm Cost : $ 29 Class #: AEA12 Location : John Glenn , 118