NEW Soy Candlemaking
Bring light and warmth to your home
with these clean burning, natural
soy candles that you create. Learn
the basics including varieties of wax,
how to safely melt and add color
to the wax and scenting options for
aromatherapy or simple enjoyment.
You will make and decorate two 4
oz ball jar candles to take home.
The class fee also includes a
candlemaking kit with a melting pot,
one pound of soy wax shavings and
two wicks! Grace Alworth
Date: Mon, Oct 15
Time: 7:00–9:00 pm
Cost: $49
Class #: AEA14
Location: John Glenn, 119
Tatting is the traditional art of lace-
making that has been handed down
through the generations. Take on
the challenge of learning the basic
stitch. Once you've mastered it, you
will form chains and rings of stitches,
add picots—the sky is the limit to
the beautiful, delicate motifs you
can create. Fee includes supplies of
shuttle and crochet thread, which
you will take with you so you can
continue creating on your own.
Alise Leguizamón
NEW Primitive Hearth Basket
Discover a new weaving technique as you create this primitive heart basket
that measures 10" x 181/2" with 71/2" sides and 31/2" ends. The stair-step side
weave is used to form the sloping sides of this multipurpose basket that
includes a hardwood market D handle. All materials except finishing stain
will be provided to complete this project. A $42 supply fee is due to the
instructor at the class. Danielle Kling
Date: Sat, Oct 20
Time: 9:00 am–1:00 pm
Cost: $20
Class #: AEA17
Location: Stillwater Area High
School, C115
NEW Watercolor Pouring Workshop
Add a more luminous, spontaneous and fluid effect to your painting with
the pouring technique. You will complete two paintings as you learn how
to define shapes by blocking them out with masking fluid in various stages
of the pouring. Be amazed at how the color of each poured layer becomes
more intense than the layer preceding it. The instructor will demonstrate
two scenes, which you may recreate or you can choose any subject or scene
you wish, just bring photo references. Materials fee of $5 is payable to
instructor at workshop. Bring one full 22 x 30" sheet of 300 lb Arches bright
white paper, two flat wood boards (16 x 24" and 12 x 16"), masking fluid,
water container, brushes, fresh paint in tubes (primary yellow, red and blue),
photo references, transfer or carbon paper, masking tape pencil, eraser and
paper towel. For questions on supplies, contact instructor at
[email protected] or 651-352-5695. Julie Schroeder
Date: Thu–Fri, Nov 1–2
2 sessions
Time: 9:00 am–3:00 pm Nov 1
9:00 am–2:00 pm Nov 2
Cost: $69
Class #: AEA4
Location: Gladstone, 107A
Date: Mon, Oct 15–Nov 5
4 sessions
Time: 6:00–7:30 pm
Cost: $59
Class #: AEA10
Location: John Glenn, 118