V. Early Game Objectives
While it is true, as I have stated, that farming is your primary goal most of the time in the early game, there are other things to consider. You cannot win without destroying the enemy towers leading up to their base, and you will have a hard time winning if the enemy has control of the jungle and the buffs within, especially the dragon. Furthermore, it will be worth the effort if you can make sure that the enemy champions that scale particularly well (often referred to as “carries”) do not get farmed.
If you find yourself dominating your lane, farming well, and either killing the enemy champions or repeatedly forcing them out of lane, it may be a good idea to try and down their first tower. This can be risky, as it requires you to move further away from your own tower, and therefore further away from a safe zone, but if you succeed the rewards are significant. It becomes extremely important to have good map awareness when you do this, as you will be especially vulnerable to enemy ganks, and enemies will be even more desperate to gank you. If you decide that you are safe, you will want to stop last hitting and simply kill the minion waves as quickly as possible. Once you reach the enemy tower, focus all of your attacks on it while it destroys your minions. When your minion wave is completely destroyed, fall back and wait for the next one to arrive. Once the tower is down, you'll want to quickly fall back and probably shop, as the enemy will likely be headed your way.