League of Legends guide | Page 13

It is also important to prevent your enemies from taking all of the buffs in the jungle. They provide a significant advantage to the champion that acquires them, and you will have a very hard time fighting such a champion. The dragon rewards the team that destroys it with a sizable quantity of gold for everyone on the team. If one team is able to kill the dragon repeatedly, they will accumulate a commanding lead in gold, and will be hard to defeat. To prevent this, you want to make sure you always have a vision ward near the dragon, and it will be worth it to fight the enemy to prevent them from taking dragon. Your enemy will also try to prevent you from doing dragon yourselves, so keep that in mind when you try to take it.

Finally, it is important to understand that some champions are incredibly difficult to stop if they acquire enough gold. These champions can sometimes single-handedly win a match, so it is essential that you pay them special attention during the laning phase. Always harass these champions as hard as possible, always try to coordinate ganks to disrupt their farming, and always focus on them when early fights do break out. If you can shut down these carries, you can seriously hinder the enemy team from having enough damage output for later phases of the game. Some examples of these champions are Pantheon, Darius, Riven, Renekton