Another factor to consider for dealing with enemies in the laning phase is the brush. The brush is the tall grass that you see at the bottom right and top left corners of the map, as well as in several places throughout the jungle. A champion standing outside of the brush is unable to see or target champions within the brush, but champions within the brush do not have such limitations. An enemy in the brush, therefore, is especially dangerous, since the only way to respond to his aggression is with skillshots. Fortunately, Ashe's volley is a skillshot, and can counter the brush to some extent. If you see an enemy occupy the brush, volley it from the edge of your range and then back off so that they cannot respond with an attack of their own. If you can consistently hit them in this way, it will discourage them from exploiting the brush. The same trick can work in reverse, however, so while the brush can be a valuable tool for you to use to control the lane and threaten your enemies, do not consider yourself completely safe within it.
Additionally, it is often a good idea to respond to enemy harassment with harassment of your own. Make sure you punish enemy champions who expose themselves or enter your attack range with a volley and a quick autoattack. Volley has quite long range and a wide arc of damage, so it is fairly easy to hit with. Enemies can avoid it easily enough by staying behind their minions, but that makes last hitting and harassing more difficult for them. If you can strike fear into their hearts with Volley, their farming may suffer and it can cause them to be very weak later on in the match. Just be careful to only use Volley when you have a good chance of scoring a hit, as you will quickly deplete your mana pool if you carelessly use it at every chance.