League of Legends guide | Page 10

IV. Laning Techniques:

Dealing With Enemy


Unfortunately, laning can be made more difficult by enemy players who want nothing more than to throw a wrench in your plans. They will constantly try to disrupt your farming, either by harassing you with ranged attacks, trying to draw you in to an early fight, or ganking you. Since you do not want any of these things to happen, it is important to develop techniques for avoiding such unpleasantries.

Your first layer of defense is effective positioning. This refers to the actual location within a lane that you occupy and control with your champion. Since Ashe is a ranged champion, you will have the luxury of remaining a fair distance behind the minion wave, where you can last hit in relative peace. Some champions do have a longer attack range than you though, and others can use skills to close the gap, so it is not sufficient to merely sit back and think yourself safe. You must keep a close eye on what your enemies are doing. If a melee champion moves up into the minion wave, try to hit him with a basic attack or a volley. If you have a point in Frost Arrows (bound to Q), your volley will also slow him, which will further discourage him from trying to engage. If you are laning against champions with skillshots, such as Ezreal, Morgana, Kennen, or Blitzcrank, make sure that you keep a wall of friendly minions in between you and them at all times. This will prevent them from hitting you with their skillshots, which can be particularly deadly in the early stages of the game.