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Please send us your community news stories so we can share with everyone!

Mothers' Union

(but not just to be read MU members............!)

Readers may have noticed that there were no notes from the Mothers' Union in the January magazine, and may even have wondered why! In fact we had no regular meeting in December but instead, as many of you will know (having been there!) we had our usual rather splendid Christmas party! According to the many comments we've heard, it was very much enjoyed, and our raffle made a very respectable sum to send to AFIA (the “Away From It All” holiday scheme run by the MU for families in particular need).

Our AGM was held in January, and Hilary was re-elected as branch leader, Dee as secretary, and Bob as treasurer; we thank them for their past and continuing service in these roles – they know we couldn't do without them! Some of us brought items to “Show and Tell” about; they included a special Christmas angel, an icon of St Blaise, a photograph of a family member's war grave, newly discovered by his descendants, and a beautiful embroidered family tree record. Afterwards we enjoyed chatting over (of course!) a most delicious tea, and we thank Dee and helpers for providing it, as well as Dee and Bob for their hospitality.

I do hope that this MU item in the magazine is read by those who are not members, as well as those who are, because MU is not only the second largest Christian charity in the world,

but its membership is open to any baptised Christian who will

uphold its objects – Christian care for families around the world. That may mean you!

Of course, when it was founded by Mary Sumner 140 years ago, it was intended exclusively for (and much needed by) mothers of young families; but the world has changed, and so has the MU. Some of us would like to see the name changed to something that sounds less exclusive (such as, for example, 'The Christian Families Union') but it seems that the majority opinion doesn't favour this. However, if you didn't already know, we have three male members in our branch, and other branches also include younger men and women who are not even parents, as well as those who are.

MU has a number of specialised activities, both in this country and overseas, including running parenting courses, prison visiting, sending families in need on much needed holidays, educational projects (especially overseas) to enable and empower women to improve life and prospects for their children, a relief fund for times of great emergencies.......the list goes on. If you think this really might be for you, do speak to one of us for more information.

Our next meeting will be held (again at Hanover House – thank you Bob and Dee) on Wednesday, Feb 1st, at 2.30pm. Hilary and Anne will tell us about their holiday on the Rhine, and from comments made at our last meeting, I think it promises to be quite entertaining! Visitors are, as always, welcome to join us. Blessings – and Happy New Year! (Jill)

Recently, one of our parents has kindly provided the school with new aprons with money raised from jam sales. The children pick strawberries grown in the school gardens (or blackberries picked from the wild on a special blackberry walk) and he then makes them into jam which is sold locally in aid of school funds. The children all really enjoy the fruit picking and the fund raising!

Enjoying After School Clubs at Pauntley School

We are very fortunate to have after school clubs running from Monday to Thursday every week at Pauntley, which offer a wide range of activities and have no limit to the number of children who can attend. In Craft Club children do all sorts of creative activities, including sewing, making mosaics and working with clay; in Sports Club they are lucky enough to work with a specialist PE teacher taking part in a wide range of sports; in Wildlife Club they go on wildlife walks and take advantage of the extensive school grounds, and in Thursday Club they have recently been enjoying themselves outside toasting marshmallows over a fire! A very high percentage of children attend the clubs and they are open to all ages.

An Enjoyable evening of Carol Singing at Upleadon

It was a fine evening for carol singing around Upleadon village, despite continual rain during the day, and approximately 14 people made up the carol party. During refreshments at the end of the evening the proceeds were counted and it was found that £176.45 had been raised for church funds. Thank you to all who sang and, of course, thank you to Upleadon villagers for your generosity and support. It is always an enjoyable evening.