Important Subscription Information
To give you a chance to see if you like this new look magazine we are pleased to give you this month's issue for free. If you like what you see, and wish to continue to receive the new Leadon Life magazine you need to subscribe & pay £6.00 (only 50p per month) for the next twelve editions. You can subscribe and pay by:-
- completing our online subscription form (with online payment) at, or
- completing the subscription flyer enclosed in this edition & returning it with payment of £6.00 to your distributor or directly to us at: Hanover Green Farm, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3JZ.
In order to receive the next edition your completed subscription and payment must be submittted to us by the 15th February 2017.
We are aware that some of you have already paid your subscription based on last year's price. Despite this you do still need to complete a subscription form and make any additional payment by the above date to ensure you are added to our distribution list. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you currently receive your magazine via the Royal Mail, the new postal subscription is £15.00 for 12 months.
Community News ........................ 4-7
What's On .......................................... 8-11
New Beginings .............................. 12
Shrove Tuesday ............................. 14-15
Rural Life ............................................. 16-17
Health & Wellbeing ...................... 18-19
Broadband update ...................... 20
Church Matters ............................. 23
Church Services ............................. 24-25
Local Business Directory .......... 26-27
Welcome to your new look parish magazine
When we heard back in the summer last year that Tony was struggling to find anyone to take over the running of the parish magazine, we felt we must step in to ensure this essential community communication continued. We were also excited about the opportunity to enhance the magazine to make it a more modern and valuable resource for our whole community.
We have taken on board feedback we have received and after many hours of hard work we are really pleased to be able to share this new look with you. It is still very early days, and we have many more ideas around how the magazine can be further improved. Our ideas rely on everyone helping to provide articles and images to ensure every issue is full of intresting content. Please, please, please do send us any news stories, events, notices and images you have to help us keep this a bright and engaging read. Whilst we can't guarantee that we will always be able to fit your item in, we will always give it our best shot.
We hope you enjoy this first edition, and of course we welcome any feedback and ideas for further improvements. Please send any feedback and/or content for the magazine to us directly at: [email protected] The cut off date for each edition is the 12th of the month
Your voluntary editors,
Jon & Louise
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