Leadership Magazines | Page 18

GET BUILDING Business Tips from Fred & Carrie Donegan F red and Carrie Donegan successfully achieved Diamond in just 56 days! Though they had been working with another network marketing essential oils company since 2005, the Donegans found that people who had never wanted anything to do with essential oils were eager to get involved with dōTERRA. Fred says, “It wasn’t like we waved a magic wand and everyone jumped from one spot to another. Our team is a mix of those who decided for themselves they wanted a different option and those who have never even held an essential oil before but were drawn to dōTERRA because of its mainstream appeal.” The dōTERRA brand and quality made a difference for the Donegans, but they definitely didn’t get to where they are without a lot of hard work and good business knowledge. Here’s some advice from them on how to grow your dōTERRA business: 18 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I FALL 2013 SUMMER 2013