“We find personal testimonies
are great. We listen and see
where the conversation leads—
either health or wealth (the lack
thereof). Then we know how
we can help them.”
Cherie can also testify to the importance
of a strong downline. She says, “My
downline is so encouraging and
creative. They love to learn, they’re great
listeners, and they want to follow in the
footsteps of others that are successful.”
They bring a mixture of experience and
abilities to the table and help strengthen
her where she is weak.
In the end, she knows she made it
where she is because she never gave
up—she never got off the train. “We
moved around a lot and it was a stretch
for us to build along the way, but I
knew that we were on a mission to be
ambassadors of these oils. So, we did
our best to help people as much as we
could until we settled and established
ourselves.” Today, she knows every step
of the journey was worth it. Her advice:
“Enjoy the ride!”
steps to following up
Pick up the phone with intention.
Be ready for question and answer time.
Ask “when is a good time to call? Monday or Tuesday, morning or afternoon?” Then they have
choices. We all love choices.
“People feel cared for and valued when they are
followed up with.”