Build in a
sustainable way
Make a change in
90 days
“Network marketing is about
being in a network, which
means that you have other
people just like you doing
what you do all day long.
That’s really what makes it
sustainable. That’s how we
were able to do it so quickly.
People understood that right
away. Think of yourself as a
coach. You’re putting them on
a challenging path, and you
need to call them regularly
and say, ‘How’s it going?’ You
need to be in contact with
that person because you want
them to succeed.” – Carrie
“If you’re going to make a
change in your life, you have
to do it one step at a time and
you have to do it in 90 days.
That’s always been our plan,
to help people get healthier.
It’s really effective. Instead of
trying to handle six different
health concerns, just pick one
and focus on it for 90 days.
If you focus on one at a time,
then you’re not going to quit
and you’re not going to feel
like a failure. You’re going to
have an experience that you
can talk about with the next
person.” – Carrie
Make your team
accountable to their
“We’re not drill sergeants
demanding things of people.
People have enough worries
in their day. When you
create an environment that
is comfortable and invite
someone to share a personal
goal, then they’ll not only
share it, but they’ll stick with
it. They’ve made a public
commitment to you and a
personal commitment to
themselves. Those two work
hand in hand to equal success.
You need both elements.
You have to be personally
committed and you have to
be publicly committed to
someone who is encouraging
and who will stand by you.
When you have both of those
things, you’ll have a huge
success rate.” – Fred
“You have to be personally committed and you have to
be publicly committed to someone who is encouraging
and who will stand by you. When you have both of
those things, you’ll have a huge success rate.”
Divide responsibility
by ability
“Carrie is a guru in the oils.
She knows so much and she
loves the scientific side. She
can tell you things that just
make my head explode. I can’t
even understand what they
are. She knows that side, but I
like more of the business side.
I like taking to all those people
and helping arrange them in a
manner where they can help
each other. “– Fred
“Fred is a dynamic person
when it comes to building
relationships and dealing
with many different kinds
of personalities. He’s one of
11 kids and it’s always been
exciting for me because I’m
an only child. I was raised
under the guise of ‘it’s all you,
do it yourself, nose to the
grindstone, don’t ask for help,’
and that’s a very slow way to
build a network marketing
business. Fred has such
great skills when it comes to
helping people bring out their
strengths, recognizing people’s
talents, and helping them
achieve their goals. He can
help people work, build their
careers, and stay focused and
energized, and I can kind of
be on my own a little bit more
as a resource person. It’s a
nice combination because we
don’t do the same job and we
stay out of each other’s way.”
– Carrie