LEAD June 2023 | Page 45

for my life . I trust that , in Your time , You will bring beauty from them . Right now , I open my arms to receive all the gifts You want to give me in my suffering . Amen .
Embrace : God sends special gifts during — and through — my pain and suffering .
Practice : Write down the desires of your heart . Commit them to God in prayer , trusting that the Giver of good gifts knows just when and how to give them .
Worship : “ Wonder ” by Travis Greene , featuring Le ’ Andria Johnson
Adapted from Incurable Faith : 120 Devotions of Lasting Hope for Lingering Health Issues . Copyright 2023 by Andrea Herzer . Published by Multnomah , an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC . All rights reserved . No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher .
Andrea Herzer , author of Incurable Faith : 120 Devotions of Lasting Hope for Lingering Health Issues ( a Multnomah hardcover ; on sale 6 / 20 / 23 ) is intimately acquainted with the hardships that accompany debilitating health issues , having spent the last 20 years with multiple illnesses , including complex regional pain syndrome ( CRPS ) and non-Hodgkin ’ s lymphoma . 45