LEAD June 2023 | Page 44

suffering and pain ? In her book Rose from Brier , Amy Carmichael said , “ I think our Father , who does often give us the pleasure of receiving our heart ’ s desire most beautifully wrapped up , must watch with special love in His eyes when His gifts come in common brown paper , apparently rather badly packed . Shall we find the precious things folded up inside , or shall we be put off ?”
Are you able to see any of the gifts that God has given you along-side the pain and struggle of illness ? Sometimes you have to look very hard to see them . Often bitterness and resentment harden our hearts to the blessings that come despite — and sometimes because of — our illness . But it is foolish not to embrace the gifts that have come through our trials . They are hard-won and ours for the taking !
Are you bogged down by the burdens that arrive with a difficult diagnosis ? Are you grieving the life you once led ? It is easy to focus on all that illness has taken from you , but lift your eyes higher . There is a God above who promises to “ bless you abundantly , so that in all things at all times , having all that you need , you will abound in every good work ” ( 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV ).
Our generous God delights in giving good gifts to us . He does not wait until our lives are seemingly perfect to send His gifts , as though they were payment or reward . A gift is just that : a gift . And God sends special gifts during — and through — our pain and suffering . Think of Paul pleading with Him to remove the thorn in his flesh . What was God ’ s response to this pleading ? He said , “ My grace is sufficient for you , for my power is made perfect in weakness ” ( 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV ). God ’ s gracious gift to Paul was His perfect power made manifest despite and because of the weakness of Paul ’ s flesh .
The same power is available to us today . I can relate to Paul . I have prayed many times for healing from my chronic pain , as has my entire family . My son used to ask why God had not healed me when so many people were praying for my healing . But I have come to realize that the greater miracle is that I am a living testimony to God ’ s power . In my weakness and pain , He has sustained me by giving me a faith that can see beyond my present circumstances .
I have spent the past twenty years in chronic pain , developed advanced-stage cancer twice , and endured countless surgical procedures . Yet I am smiling as I write this , because I have experienced the greatest miracle of all : joy despite every circumstance . I do not have to manufacture joy ; it arrives as beautiful evidence of God ’ s Spirit inside me . Even in my great weakness , I feel His strength propelling me through every crisis . I have experienced God . And He is good .
Pray : God , I confess that I do not always see the gifts that You have for me when I am suffering . Open the eyes of my heart to see all Your abundant goodness in this place of pain and illness . Remind me that I must first offer You the ashes if I am to have beauty for ashes . Take my brokenness and the lost hopes I had