Unexpected Choice
By Patti Giebink
No one at that church knew or suspected my past involvement ( 5 years prior ) in the state ’ s only abortion clinic located 2 hours away . For years I sat silently in that tiny church , cringing every time the topic of abortion came up , feeling firsthand the guilt , shame , and regret of my actions , as well as the fear of being discovered .
But God helped me overcome that fear and shame . He healed me of my past , and he gave me a heart to care for others who have been hurt by the abortion industry . Unexpected Choice : An Abortion Doctor ’ s Journey to Prolife is the story of my transformation — not an epiphany , but a long , painful , and reluctant process . Relating my journey to pro-life required a very personal perspective , which I hope will help others deal with this issue in a new way .
On a basic level , we all know what abortion is . We see exposés on Planned Parenthood and other clinics that are providing them . As a doctor , I can explain in disturbing detail what goes on behind the clinical curtain . We watch legislation carefully to track any changes in the law — for or against . But do we really understand what women go through emotionally , psychologically , physically