It was never my plan to become an abortion doctor , let alone the solo abortion provider at Planned Parenthood in Sioux Falls , much less the entire state of South Dakota .
During my childhood , my parents weren ’ t churchgoers , though we did occasionally pray over the Sunday meal . I was baptized at the age of 12 but had no real relationship with Jesus , and I drifted into New Age and spiritual enlightenment ideologies . When I enrolled in medical school at the University of South Dakota — forty years ago — there was no emphasis for or against abortion . Women ’ s health and “ reproductive rights ” were just entering the spotlight . When I started my residency in Indiana , there was an active abortion program where I learned from doctors established in the practice . But even then , the topic wasn ’ t discussed among my fellow residents , so I wasn ’ t aware of how many of them were pro-life .
After two divorces and moving to a small , rural town in central South Dakota , God got ahold of me in a quaint Assembly of God church in 2001 . Only after reading and understanding the Bible was I convinced of God ’ s character . He is a God who creates life . Is it our “ right ” to destroy it , for whatever reason ?