have slept for ten years by now . If you are forty-five , then for fifteen years . And by the time you are seventy-five , you will have — should have--slept for a total of 25 years .
So take some time today to consider a makeover for this very important room . Ask God for a plan to transform it so that upon walking in you tangibly feel its calming atmosphere . Perhaps you ’ re convinced that it should be priority but you are low on funds . Trust me , I ’ ve been there . I remember being pregnant with my sixth child , Jenesis . We were out of room in our house and for the first time , had no room for a nursery . Not only that , but our own bedroom was long overdue for some attention , and so , I prayed and asked God for a strategy since I definitely needed to “ nest .” The dreary room contained all brown wicker , a dark bedspread , and dull knick-knacks scattered here and there . So ,
I got creative . I painted the walls lavender , spray painted all the wicker white ( outdoors !), and bought an inexpensive yellow and white comforter from K-mart . I cleared the knickknacks and replaced them with pastel décor I gathered here and there from other rooms in the house . Her bassinette was white wicker with a beautiful white coverlet . And before long , Jenesis had a beautiful , calming nursery . Of course , we were now sleeping in a nursery , but there was nothing “ baby ” about it . Just calming and peaceful and I think I spent maybe $ 50 . To this day , it is the room makeover I am most proud of , and although it was 20 years ago and we have now had a couple of bedroom makeovers since then ( that are more “ grown-up ”), that white and yellow Kmart comforter is the one that the “ kids ” fight over when they come over for a movie night . There is peace baked in . There is faith and creativity baked in .