LEAD February 2022 | Page 49

So , it ’ s time for you to get creative too . I ’ ve come up with 10 easy things you can do for free or next-to-nothing .
1 . Reposition your bed to another wall . 2 . Clear your room and organize all clutter . 3 . Rearrange the pictures or art on your walls . 4 . Get rid of any furniture you do not need . 5 . Hide all electronic cords . 6 . Change the lighting in your room ( string lights are cheap and calming ). 7 . Hang your current curtains higher to
“ increase ” the size of the room . 8 . Donate any items you do not need
( including clothing that is laying around ). 9 . Add new throw pillows ( or recover old ones ) for your bed . 10 . Put your bed on cheap plastic risers to create storage space underneath .
And it goes without saying , remove items from your room which stress you out . No more piling those bills on your nightstand ! And remove all framed pictures of people who stress you out . That is your sacred space . It is a place where you pray and make crucial life choices . And since nighttime is the time
when your spirit can convene with God as He speaks to your heart through prophetic dreams and instructs you on how to pray , what you call your bedroom ... is actually God ’ s conference room .
Laura Harris Smith , N . D . is a published of more than 25 books , a naturopathic doctor , and the TV Host of theTHREE , a body , mind and spirit talk show which airs globally . She is the founding co-pastor of Eastgate Creative Christian Fellowship in Nashville , Tennessee with her husband , Chris . They have been married for 37 years and have six children , 12 grandchildren and reside near Nashville , Tennessee . 49