to know more . So , every morning for the next four months , I read and studied Matthew 23:1 – 12 on repeat , and it radically changed me in so many ways .
Before you panic , like I did , Jesus did not say “ do not lead ” or “ do not teach .” He said , “ do not be called leaders ” and “ do not be called Rabbi .” Teaching and leadership alone do not automatically create trouble .
But often , titles do . Titles have the potential to reinforce our fleshly bend toward pride and self .
A case in point being how Jesus continues in His admonishment and charge to the Pharisees ( the original audience of this text ):
“ The greatest among you shall be your servant . Whoever exalts himself will be humbled , and whoever humbles himself will be exalted .” Matthew 23:11 – 12
Jesus clearly states that the way to be great is by being a servant . So why would we coin the phrase servant leadership other than as an attempt to appease our own egos ?