Love God Far More Than You Love Leadership
“ They love the place of honor at banquets and the seats of honor in the synagogues , and personal greetings in the marketplaces , and being called Rabbi by the people .” Matthew 23:6 – 7 NASB
Plainly put , Jesus is calling them out for serving in religious leadership because they loved popularity , importance , approval , and titles . And the more they loved the lesser things , they more they neglected their love for God . . . so much so that the Pharisees couldn ’ t recognize Jesus when He was right in front of their face .
Leadership is a good thing . We need those who are willing to lead . But we need leaders who love God , not merely leaders who love leadership .
Because loving leadership is wrapped up in loving the perks : accepting the award , getting the corner office with a view , having influence over others , calling the shots , being the one with the microphone while others are listening , etc . And while all of those things sound glamorous , they ’ re a far cry from what a day in the life of a leader actually looks like .
This is where the world ’ s view of leadership as the ascent to power paints a false picture of what to expect as a leader . Leadership can ’ t be about what you get ; that ’ s consumerism . We must stop confusing leadership with consumerism .
Our love for God is what will motivate us to keep leading in the moments when we don ’ t love leadership — and as a leader , you must prepare yourself for there to be far more problems to solve than perks to enjoy .
Be willing to lead , but love God far more than you love leadership .
Get Low + Stay Low
It ’ s not just a matter of getting low once , though . It ’ s staying low , when the temptation will regularly present itself for you to elevate yourself , so we must remember Jesus ’ words :
“ Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled ; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted .” ( Matthew 23:12 )
So , when God calls you to something high , such as an increase in your influence , here are five principles to get low and stay low :
# 1 : If your personal competence increases , increase your dependence on God .
Typically , when competence increases , dependence usually decreases . Think about it : You don ’ t return to training wheels after you learn to ride a bike without them . Once you learn how to drive to a certain location , you no longer depend on your Maps app for turn-by-turn directions .
Spiritually , though , it ’ s not the same . God did not create us to be self-sufficient . He created us to need Him . So yes , make the goal to increase in competence . But as competence increases , maintain a high level of dependence on Him .
# 2 : If your public platform increases , increase your private devotion .
The quickest way to minimize yourself , on or off a platform , is to magnify God . Regularly