| Lead
Michelle Myers & Somer Phoebus
Culture says : Leading will make you important . God says : Serving will make you like Me .
I ’ ve stopped using the term servant leadership , and it all started when these words stopped me in my tracks :
“ Do not be called leaders .”— Jesus ( Matthew 23:10 NASB )
I wasn ’ t sure how I ’ d skipped over this verse in multiple read throughs of Scripture , so I read it again , secretly hoping I ’ d misread it . But I hadn ’ t .
So I went back up a couple of verses , hoping to find something I ’ d missed that would help me better understand the context .
Instead , I realized that I had breezed past the word Rabbi ( which means Teacher ) in a similar warning in Matthew 23:8 . So if the above quote didn ’ t rattle you as it did me , maybe this one will :
“ Do not be called Rabbi [ Teacher ].”— Jesus ( Matthew 23:8 NASB )
As a leader and as a teacher of His Word , I had