LEAD. December 2020 | Page 21

This shift might not be one that is prescribed by many , but it ’ s the shift that unlocks the door to fitness and best health .
The shift ? Forgiveness .
Here ’ s how forgiveness plays out as it pertains to health and fitness . One of my clients , Kayla , had plateaued with her weight loss . After talking through some of her past emotions , I guided her through a forgiveness exercise . She released six pounds that week and she was elated . Not only did she feel lighter on the scale , but she also felt lighter in your soul .
Unhealthy thoughts and emotions can be a root cause of serious inflammation . This chronic inflammation keeps cells hanging on to excess fat and toxins , thus causing dis-ease in the body . This dis-ease can obviously show up in a multitude of manifested ways , mainly diseases that have names we hear all too often .
Got excuses ? I ’ ve learned that excuses are layered on top of emotions ; usually doubt , fear , anger , shame , blame , or resentment and I ’ ve found that forgiveness is truly the key to fitness .
Other clients have experienced a shift not just with forgiveness , but also in how they are treating their health situation . Sue had been on high blood pressure medications for eleven years and after just two weeks of eating a whole-food , plant-based protocol and practicing Visibly Fit exercises , she was able to go off the medications completely .
Tara had been suffering with tremendous pain with her endometriosis since the age of twelve , and after just one week she no longer had pain and had incredible energy .
Linda was pre-diabetic and was able to reverse this self-inflicting condition after just seven weeks . Her A1C numbers completely leveled out and her inflammatory markers were no longer in high-risk range and in fact they were well below . Deb released 35.4 pounds and 29 inches in just seven weeks and after just five months she dropped 72 pounds . Deb got her life back as a single mom and is no longer on medication . She ’ s making an impact on her daughter ’ s life now as well , modeling self-care and love .
Here ’ s what I want you to take away : Dive into healthy choices NOW . Don ’ t wait . It doesn ’ t have to be overwhelming or complicated . You just need to start . And then repeat daily . Even if you know what to do , that ’ s not enough . Put that knowledge into action and watch the ripple effect of healthy habits show up in new ways in your life . The healthy habits will ripple through to your family , your practice , finances , relationships , faith , and so much more .
Here are six ways to ensure you make healthy choices every time :
1 . Eat foods that love you back . A wholefood , plant-based or vegan lifestyle can heal you quickly after an injury , and supply your cells with nutrient-rich foods to help prevent disease . Adding a salad to your plate at every meal is a great start . Toxic hunger is a real thing . Just because you ’ re eating something doesn ’ t necessarily qualify it as a food your body needs and deserves for best health . In most cases , a reset in what you think tastes good needs to occur . A simple clean eating detox will get you there and hopefully keep you there .