healthy steps to heal quickly .
Everyday I was disciplined in practicing healing exercises and eating a whole-food , plantbased lifestyle . I infused my mind with positive messages , practicing prayer and meditation . The consistency of my choices and actions led to a speedy recovery . So often , it ’ s a moderation mindset that can keep someone stuck . Moderation kills momentum . Why ? This occurs because unhealthy choices in moderation can open the door to more of the same .
As a fitness expert , naturopath , and health and healing coach , the clients I work with are typically looking to just lose weight . But , they end up accomplishing so much more .
They learn to release the emotions attached to their weight . They confront the unhealthy triggers that cause the reach for harmful self-medication and instead learn a healthy replacement and release of negative emotions . This keeps that vicious cycle of poor choices from showing up again and again .
Emotions from past hurts , physically or mentally , or even present emotions adopted from lies believed . Emotions and feelings don ’ t always speak truth . They can keep a person stuck and stagnant .
Understanding the emotional depth of choices and correcting the course through new patterns , rewires the mind ; thus the actions . Addressing the emotional choices of others , as well as yourself , helps begin the shift .