What would life look like if you were to dive in , be all in to make healthy choices a way of life ? Not just a stick your toe in the water kind of mindset .
I ’ ve always been a little more adventurous than the average person . I love doing unconventional things , from skydiving to scuba diving . Interestingly enough , both examples contain the word ... diving !
Diving is what miraculously propelled me into my passion . Although this wasn ’ t a planned or expected spill , it was a life-changing one . Plunging head first through the windshield of a snowmobile clipping at 55 miles an hour , only to be stopped abruptly by a tree ( so I am told ) can warrant a wake up call to a new mindset .
Although it was two decades ago , I ’ ll forever be grateful for the accident . You see , because of a collision , I can now share with you the power of healing that our bodies are capable of when using proper exercise and consuming God-given foods .
With a broken clavicle , torn shoulder muscles , a wicked-looking black eye , and a concussion , I ’ m happy to be alive . Had the tree hit two inches to the left , I might not be .
When the orthopedic surgeon said he would need to operate , the grueling rehab was all that came to mind . Knowing there had to be a better way , a natural way to heal , I opted-out and began my healing quest .
Practicing many of the exercises I teach today in my Visibly Fit™ 7X11 daily moves to mend the injury , the orthopedic surgeon was encouraged when he saw how quickly my shoulder healed without surgery .
Don ’ t get me wrong , there is a time and place for surgery , but often times our body will heal itself if we give it proper time , nourishment and exercise to do so .
One of my clients reported that she couldn ’ t move her arm above her head without pain or discomfort for eighteen months . After just one week of doing the same exercises , and eating a whole-food , plant-based regimen , her pain was gone and mobility returned completely . That ’ s the power of proper exercise and food .
“ The choices we make impact our mind , body , and spirit . They all work together in unison creating either balance or imbalance .”
I know … you are now ready to dive in . You want the goods , too .
Hang tight , we ’ ll get to that . First things first .
Getting better understanding about health is important . Unfortunately , health often gets compartmentalized rather than seen as a unified , meshed reality of the accumulated effects of choices . ALL choices .
The choices we make impact our mind , body , and spirit . They all work together in unison creating either balance or imbalance . It ’ s obvious when you ’ re out of sync , but not as clear on how to correct the issue .
After my accident , I could have gone into a downward spiral of sedentary , woe-is-me living , but that wouldn ’ t have solved the problem . Instead , I decided to choose gratitude and make