2 . Your body is your gym . You were created with a built-in gym . Work your workouts into your busy day . Schedule a time or several small chunks of time to fit in exercise . Maybe it ’ s a fifteen-minute walk or a five-minute high intensity cardio burst . You can even do exercises while cooking . While on the phone . Or even while traveling . Do something . Something is ALWAYS better than nothing .
3 . Change your mind . If you keep doing what you ’ re doing , you ’ ll keep getting the same . Change the way you think and your actions will follow . This takes practice , discipline and highlevel accountability . Who is that person in your life ? Don ’ t have one … hire one . you will be in the bathroom a bit more as well . This is good . Give yourself permission to take the breaks needed .
6 . Feed your spirit . Keep a gratitude journal . Take a gratitude walk . Pray . Meditate . Sometimes we need to quiet ourselves to get back in balance . The constant flow of information can keep the information we truly desire muted or unheard .
If you are only tapping your toe in the water to make healthy choices , it ’ s time you dive in . You have great purpose . This world needs you in your best health as you continue to help others with their health .
4 . Practice forgiveness . Move beyond your past . Release the pain . Live for today and brighter tomorrows . You are not what has been done to you or said to you . You were created with greatness in mind . Live Well .
5 . Drink more water . The average person is chronically dehydrated . Strive to drink half of your body weight in ounces daily . Yes , this means
Wendie Pett , a nationally recognized name in the fitness industry , is passionate about motivating and encouraging people to make fitness and nutrition part of their daily routine . She enthusiastically teaches the care of mind , body and spirit , assisting others to learn the importance of reaching their full God-given potential through her Visibly Fit™ program — a total wellness and body weight resistance exercise program . Wendie has helped countless numbers of people reach their fitness goals without ever compromising their joint health , tendons , or ligaments by teaching simple and easy to do exercises that use your body as your gym . A great way to workout anytime , anywhere — no excuses allowed !