LEAD August 2024 | Page 28

“ Do you want your son or daughter to grow up like you ? Will they grow up to be more Christlike having watched your life and having listened to your speech ?”
reduced truth to any personal belief a person wants to conjure up .
Those who are trying to fill this leadership void are rewriting our history as well . They seek to portray all our forefathers as slaveowning bigots and racists . They want to rewrite our Constitution , stripping us of the God-given rights its writers sought to preserve .
Why is all this happening ? Because there is a great leadership void . the night He was betrayed , we too are oblivious to what is about to happen . Our eyes have grown heavy . We ’ re tired . And when the soldiers show up with spears and torches , we flee into the darkness hoping to go unnoticed in the confusion .
For decades , we men have been AWOL . So many of us have been unfaithful to our wives — whether in the act of adultery , divorce , pornography , or simply not loving them sacrificially as “ Christ loves the church .”
The Lord said , “ So I sought for a man among them who would stand in the gap before Me , but I found no one .”

“ Do you want your son or daughter to grow up like you ? Will they grow up to be more Christlike having watched your life and having listened to your speech ?”

Why are we allowing all this to happen ? Because we have become too comfortable and complacent . We ’ ve become apathetic . We enjoy our toys and time off and travel and TV shows . We don ’ t want to rock the boat . After all , there is a great price to pay if these woke leaders decide we pose too great a threat .
Gentlemen , like the disciples of Jesus on
We ’ ve also been AWOL as far as our kids are concerned . Far too many children are growing up without a father at home . How can an absent dad “ bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord .” ( Ephesians 6:4 )? Kids need to be with their fathers and mothers . Children learn best by example . Dads , that should scare us , because our kids are watching us . They are great mimics . Remember the adage , “ Like father , like son ”? Do you want your son or daughter to grow up like you ? Will they grow up to be more Christlike having watched your life and having listened to your speech ?
For the genders to function properly as God designed us , each gender must fulfill his / her roles and responsibilities . I believe that we can summarize all these distinctive male characteristics and roles with two primary