LEAD August 2024 | Page 29

responsibilities : protector and provider . We see these two male responsibilities in Scripture , and whether we acknowledge it or not , they are innate . As men , we know deep down that we are to protect and provide for those whom God has placed in our care .
stable culture . There ’ s a huge hole in the wall of our fortress and the Lord is looking for men to stand in the gap . Will we rise to the task ?
In 1 Corinthians 16 , Paul admonishes Christians to “ act like men .” He was not trying to be chauvinistic , but to simply express that God designed men to be the protectors and providers for their families . While there are many very capable and strong women , Paul suggests a contrast to being childish or immature in one ’ s mindset . The Greek language implies that both maturity and courage are important to spiritual responsibility and manhood .
21st Century manhood needs to root itself back into the biblical values that create a
Dr . James ( Jim ) Grassi is the Founder and President of Men ’ s Ministry Catalyst and Let ’ s Go Fishing Productions Foundation . As an award-winning author , former business leader , public administrator , college professor , and outdoor sport personality , he has been on the frontlines of ministry to men since 1981 . He was given the Ministry of the Year award by the National Coalition of Ministries to Men and garnered the Faith and Freedom award from the Religious Heritage of America Foundation . Two of his 21 books received the Silver Angel Award and one of his books received the coveted Hallmark branding . He and his wife , Louise , make their home in Post Falls , Idaho . They have two grown sons in full-time ministry , Dan and Tom . 29