LEAD August 2024 | Page 27

Men , we must not be too hard on the disciples . They were mere men . It was late . It was dark and the text says , “ Their eyes were heavy .” And I believe like Peter , James , and John , many of us have been lulled into a less-than watchful state .
There is a great leadership void in our country and in the world right now as there was in Ezekiel ’ s day . Such a void is ripe for the rise of the Antichrist , but we do not know when he will appear . This leadership void begs to be filled and right now men and women without any moral compass are scrambling to fill that void with their so-called progressive agendas .
Their progressive agendas denounce God , the Bible , and everything we hold to be good , righteous , and just . They may speak of love , justice , and fairness , but it ’ s always at the expense of someone else . They tout tolerance as their primary value , except that they are adamantly intolerant of anyone who doesn ’ t hold to their positions .
Tolerance only works in one direction for them . They demand , “ You be tolerant of me , or else !” They claim to be purveyors of truth , but their truth is whatever they fancy it to be . As far as they are concerned , two opposing claims can both be true , which defies the very definition of truth . They ’ ve