LEAD August 2024 | Page 26

The Wall Has Been Breached

Jim Grassi

On the night Jesus was betrayed , after eating the Passover meal with His disciples and spending considerable time teaching them , they left the Upper Room and made their way in the dark to the Mount of Olives where they had been staying . It was late and the disciples were tired , but Jesus knew what would transpire that night , so He singled out Peter , James , and John and asked them to watch with Him while He went a bit farther , dropped to His knees and prayed .
Knowing that He would be condemned to death and be crucified , bearing the sins of all mankind , His soul was in great distress .
Three times He came back to the three disciples He had put on watch , and three times He found them sleeping . He kept urging them , “ Watch and pray , lest you enter into temptation .” But each time they fell asleep .
The fourth time Jesus came back to them and found them sleeping again , He roused them and said , “ Are you still sleeping and resting ? Behold , the hour is at hand , and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners . Rise , let us be going . See , my betrayer is at hand .” ( Matthew 26:45- 46 NKJV )