LEAD August 2024 | Page 25

If you ’ re already thinking , “ This girl doesn ’ t get it ,” I can save you some energy by confirming , I do not , in fact , understand every circumstance in your life that makes you feel so tired . I don ’ t know what it ’ s like in your world , the demands that are asked of you , the people you have to take care of . I don ’ t know your budget .
I trust God to meet you here because that ’ s what He does when His daughters seek Him .
Excerpted from Tired of Being Tired : Receive God ’ s Realistic Rest for Your Soul-Deep Exhaustion © 2024 Jess Connolly . Used by permission of Baker Books . May not be further reproduced . All rights reserved .
I pray you catch a vision of embracing rhythms of rest in every season of your life so you can draw near to God over and over again as your life throws new levels of tired at you . I don ’ t get your whole life . I don ’ t see every facet of what is difficult about it . I don ’ t know every circumstance , so I cannot remove every catalyst of exhaustion in your life . But I am moved by compassion to sit with you , at least figuratively , as we ask God how in the world we can learn the rested life from Him . I cannot answer every circumstance , but I believe with all that I ’ ve got — our Father can bring some form of rest in every season . And I will stand firm in faith for you , even if you ’ re scared or skeptical .
Jess Connolly is the author or coauthor of several books , including Wild and Free , You Are the Girl for the Job , and Breaking Free from Body Shame . Along with her husband , Nick , she planted Bright City Church in Charleston , South Carolina , where they live with their four children . 25