LEAD. August 2020 | Page 24

What’s the point of finding a marriage partner who will support your purpose if you aren’t going to go after it when you’re married? Some people who are dating get too comfortable and stop thinking about their purpose, and the same thing can happen in marriage; it’s a mistake either way. In marriage, you sacrifice your selfish desires for your spouse, but you don’t give up your God-given purpose. Keep that godly drive burning. serving you good food or not? Doing stuff like this isn’t selfish. It adds to the marriage. (You’re taking your spouse with you to France, aren’t you?) Many people stop perfecting who God’s created them to be because they joined with somebody else. That’s laziness. That’s lack of vision. Don’t you do that. As a married person, keep working So, let me ask you, What’s the last thing you did to improve yourself? Did you go back and take a finance course so you can stack up the green better? Did you break a bad habit, like smoking? Did you make a fitness plan and stick to it? Did you decide to watch less TV and read one book a week? Did you study French so when you go to Paris you’ll be able to tell whether they’re on your “singleness.” And then if your marriage is gonna last and be vibrant and have passion, keep dating. You know, intentionally dating. When was the last time you took your wife or your husband out on a date? What that does is 24