some of the responses you received to it? could do this overwhelming job.
JENNIFER: My background wasn’t one of
being raised in the church. After I got saved, I
started feeding the poor from our church soup
kitchen and then branched out to start the
Jesus Truck, where we took food and clothes
to families living in motels, and I’d preach the
gospel to them. After keeping a low profile and
doing that for some time, God called me onto
the mission field as a missionary in Mexico. I
led a jail ministry and a movie ministry there
for years, and then God brought me back to
America. Because of my background I had no
connections with any leaders in the “Christian
world.” But God intervened, and when He
called me to do 1GDA, He led me to Reinhard
Bonnke’s former CEO, Siegfried Tomazsewski.
When I called Rev. Tomazsewski on the phone
and told him of my vision, he actually hung KELINDA: How many nations are now slated
to participate in 1GDA?
JENNIFER: We have almost every country in
Africa covered but still have a small handful of
countries waiting for “adoption.”
KELINDA: Can you paint the picture for us as to
what these events will look like?
JENNIFER: I can only tell you what my personal
event will look like in Uganda, and we expect
all others to be comparable. We have an
extremely large venue to host our attendees,
and one of the top singers in Africa will be
performing in an effort to bring in crowds of
both believers and nonbelievers. In addition
to the main event that takes place over four
consecutive nights, there will be a separate
FIRE Conference, a Woman’s Conference, and a
Children and Youth’s Conference. We will invite
attendees to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord
and Savior with a salvation message, followed
by the Holy Spirit healing hopefully thousands
of people. We will also be praying for everyone
to be filled with the Holy Spirit to have power
and boldness to share the gospel themselves.
KELINDA: What is your main goal with 1GDA?
up on me. I think he thought I was just a crazy
person with such a huge vision, but he agreed
to pray about it and God spoke to him. He is now
our CEO, and I believe that with his experience
and connections he is truly the only man that
JENNIFER: Along with boosting the local
economy of each city where the event is held,
we are providing a safe and fun faith-based
festival for people at no cost to them. But our
main goals are to unify the Body of Christ and
to see multiplied millions of people saved,
healed, delivered, filled with the Holy Spirit,