entire continent of Africa, hence One God - One
Day – One Africa.
KELINDA: How did the idea for this continent-
wide event come about?
JENNIFER: When I first became a Christian at
age 25 while living in Hollywood, CA, God gave
me a vision in which I would see multiplied
millions of people receiving the Lord Jesus
at one time. I think He gave me that vision
because He knew I would be willing to give
up everything because the only thing that
mattered to me was getting people saved. At
that time it was impossible because we didn’t
have cell phones or internet. Nevertheless,
I believed God and prayed about it for many,
many years, and God has told us that “now is
the time” and “Africa is the place.”
KELINDA: What was it like being given such a
big task by God? Did you know when or where
to begin?
JENNIFER: I didn’t realize at the time how or
when it would ever come about, but I was a
brand new Christian, so I just faithfully believed
God. I was so excited to leave my dark past of
being in the movie and modeling industry in
Hollywood and fully dedicate my life to His
glory. I had no idea when or where or HOW to
begin, so I prayed about it for 38 years until
God instructed me to begin working on it NOW.
KELINDA: As you began to share your vision
with leaders around the world, what were