LEAD. April 2020 | Page 19

speaking in tongues, following, serving, loving God, and being obedient and available to Him for the rest of their lives. KELINDA: How have you seen God endorse this event so far? Any testimonies to share? JENNIFER: God has given us His blessing for 1GDA in numerous ways, including divine appointments that have allowed us to meet key people and opening the doors for us that have been closed. Egypt has been closed to open-air Christian events, but we are excited to announce we will be having the first legal one there! We are also in communication to have the President of Uganda open our event with a word. A most recent testimony of God’s hand at work is that our venue in Uganda was going to be used by a governmental agency until we prayed about it and they chose to use it at a different time, opening it back up to us. KELINDA: How can readers get involved with what you’re doing? JENNIFER: The most important thing I believe anyone and everyone can do is PRAY, especially that we are not postponed due to COVID-19 complications. We also need funding to come in through donations so that we can provide follow-up materials to every new believer. We also still have a few openings for ministries to adopt a country. There are many other ways to get involved, all of which are detailed on our website- www.1GDA.org under the “Join” tab. KELINDA: Jennifer, thank you for sharing with us about One God, One Day, One Africa. We’re excited to stand with you and see all that God can do through a continent-wide event like this! It’s going to be incredible! Jennifer Wilde is founder and president of Wilde4Jesus Ministries, which sponsors evangelistic crusades in India. Since her conversion from the Hollywood lifestyle to dedicating her life for Christ, Jennifer has made it her aim to share the message of Jesus with audiences large and small through crusades, jail ministries, and a compassion for the poor. Jennifer and her two daughters lived eight years in Mexico, where she was involved in a variety of outreaches, including film ministry, jail ministry, and cooperation with various churches. Today, Jennifer is focused on the Dalit peoples of India and continues to reach out to the poorest of poor by providing a ministry of compassion, orphanages, and schools. 19