Lawyer Magazine No. 31, Issue 3 | Page 9

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E P a i g e G r e e n l e e – G r e e n l e e L a w P L L C continuedfrompage6
profession has largely relied on law school to teach us how to write and think like a lawyer , and on our colleagues to teach us how to practice and act like one . In the virtual world in which we are largely living , I cannot help but think how challenging it will be for our newest lawyers to find mentors .
As a young lawyer , at a large law firm , I had many natural mentors — the people with whom I worked every day , several of whom are judges now . I had opportunities to attend depositions and hearings with these attorneys , to observe their behavior , and to learn from it . Once I started being sent to hearings myself , when I had the opportunity to do so , I went to my hearings early , and stayed after my hearing concluded , to watch other attorneys . Again , I learned what to do — and , at times , what not to do . Our newly admitted attorneys will have fewer opportunities to do this , because we are still largely attending proceedings via teleconferencing platforms . If you know any new attorneys , I encourage you to reach out and to offer opportunities you may have to allow them to observe virtual proceedings in which you are participating .
I know many new lawyers were told to wait for their bar results to look for jobs ; if you are hiring , please consider a new member of our profession . A wise mentor of mine once told me that he hired me , even though he wanted someone with more experience , because he would rather spend the time teaching me how to do something the right way than re-teaching someone who had learned how to do it the wrong way . I have always remembered that when I made hiring decisions . And , of course , encourage new lawyers to get involved in the HCBA , another voluntary bar association , an Inn of
Court , or The Florida Bar . I will always be grateful for the friends and mentors I have made through my service to our profession .
For those new attorneys who find themselves without a mentor , the HCBA is reinvigorating its mentoring program , led by Judge Frances Perrone . Plans are underway for a “ speed-mentoring ” match up of mentors and mentees in January or February . New lawyers can find mentorship in lawyers of all levels of experience . Please consider signing up to be a mentor or mentee , as appropriate ; more information is available on the HCBA website .
As we turn the calendar to January , we would typically be looking forward to seeing each other for one of our quarterly luncheons . I am excited that , once again , our Diversity and Inclusion Committee and HCBA Program Chair , Valeria Obi , have worked hard to welcome a fantastic speaker — Professor Theodore Shaw — for our January Diversity Luncheon . Of course , I am disappointed that , based on the pandemic and membership preferences , we must hold this event virtually , but please mark your calendars for January 19 and join us for what will certainly be a fantastic program .
While I am sure every past president has struggled with insightful words to fill this column , it has been particularly difficult this year . As I sit down to write it every other month , it remains uncertain whether we will be able to proceed with many of the events so many of our members have spent countless hours planning . However , I continue to remain hopeful ; news on the vaccine is promising , and , at my core , I am an optimist . I hope to be seeing you all in person again soon . Until then , please stay safe , take of yourselves , and each other . n
J A N - F E B 2 0 2 1 | H C B A L A W Y E R