Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E T r a c i K o s t e r – N e l s o n K o s t e r
With2020Behindus , theyLdisLookingforward
itisnottoolatetojoinacommitteeorattendyLdevents ! infact , theWinterandSpringmonthsareoften “ busymonths ” fortheyLd .
With 2020 in the rearview mirror , the
YLD has reached the midpoint of the Bar year ! While 2020 certainly brought unprecedented challenges to the YLD ( and all organizations alike ), our Board and committees did a fantastic job pivoting some of our annual events entirely and slightly adjusting others .
Our annual Cornhole for a Cause event benefitting Big Brothers Big Sisters turned into a virtual scavenger hunt / trivia competition , so we could keep our members safe , but still give back to our community partner ! In similar fashion , our Pro Bono Luncheon received a virtual facelift . Our Pro Bono Committee worked hard to change up the format of this event to give our members a hands-on pro bono experience — training included — while offering our local service providers the opportunity to share with our members all the ways to give back through pro bono service .
In an effort to meet our
members where they were — at home — the YLD Board put together a miniwebinar series with tips and tricks for organizing your practice . Those webinars are available on the HCBA ’ s website , if you were unable to attend live .
The YLD ’ s annual ( sold-out ) Golf Tournament ( photos on page 34 ) looked much the same but included social distancing protocols to keep our members safe , and our
Members of the YLD Events Committee put on another successful tournament !
Member Services Committee hosted the first wellness event , which included a 30-minute virtual meditation .
Notwithstanding the difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic , our YLD members continue to show up to support great causes and network with other young lawyers . The YLD ’ s many committees are working hard to plan for the second half of the Bar year !
It is NOT too late to join a committee or attend YLD events ! In fact , the Winter and Spring months are often “ busy months ” for the YLD , and this year plans to be no exception . If you still want to join a committee , here is some information on their remaining events and their main contacts :
The Member Services Committee is planning more wellness events and will host the annual Coffee at the Courthouse and Judicial Shadowing event . The main contacts are Board liaisons Sean Bevil and Hannah Becker .
The Professionalism and Ethics Committee will host the State Court Trial Seminar and our newest event — a “ Getting into Good Trouble ” Book Club . The main contacts are Board liaisons Harold Holder and Rick Duarte .
The Youth Projects Committee is brainstorming safe ways to give back to underprivileged youth in our community . The main contacts are Board liaisons Alex Palermo and Nicole Gehringer . continuedonpage9
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