H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E P a i g e G r e e n l e e – G r e e n l e e L a w P L L C
newyear , newBeginnings
“ Wewillopenthebook . itspagesareblank . Wearegoingtoput wordsonthemourselves . thebookiscalledopportunityanditsfirst chapterisnewyear ' sday .” — edithLovejoyPierce
New year , new beginnings . I know we all
hope that sentiment holds even more promise this year than ever before .
One of the biggest “ new beginnings ” for each of us occurred when we found out we passed the bar exam . Although delayed , on November 20 , 2020 , one thousand , five hundred sixty-seven bar applicants learned that they passed The Florida Bar exam . On behalf of the HCBA , I congratulate them on surviving challenges associated with the exam that none of us had to face , and I welcome each of them to our profession . I hope some of the new admittees are reading this , either as a current member of the HCBA
or because someone has shared the magazine with them and is encouraging them to join . As I think about these new members beginning their careers , I look back more than twenty years to the beginning of my career , and the amount of change our profession has experienced is truly astounding — and the portion of that which has occurred as a matter of necessity since March of last year is of particular note .
One long-standing hallmark of our profession is the commitment to , and need for , mentoring . Dating back to the English custom of the Inns of Court , the legal
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