Lawyer Magazine No. 31, Issue 3 | Page 7

BooSt YouR BuSIneSS wItH ouR RefeRRALS !
for more information , call ( 813 ) 221-7780 or visit https :// hillsbarlrs . com / pages / for-lawyers .
E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E D i n e e n P a s h o u k o s W a s y l i k – D P W L e g a l continuedfrompage4
harbinger for the rest of us being able to return to inperson gatherings . The CDC has recommended that legal workers should be classified as 1c priority for the vaccine , noting that “ workers supporting the operations of the judicial system , including judges , lawyers , and others providing legal assistance ” are “ essential critical infrastructure workers .” And given the sad tales of the virus racing through courthouses in the early stages of the pandemic , this makes sense . Let us hope that our prosecutors , public defenders , other frequent litigators and court staff are able to get in line soon to protect themselves and others .
Most importantly , though , no matter how the year unfolds , we have control over how we tell our own stories . In the face of this new normal ( ugh ), we still have the ability to make daily choices aimed at positivity and growth . For our clients , we can make a difference in helping them move their lives and their businesses forward despite uncertainty . And for ourselves and each other , we can take the lessons of 2020 and apply them to help build better days ahead . n

Interested in joining the HCBA Lawyer Referral & Information Service ?

BooSt YouR BuSIneSS wItH ouR RefeRRALS !

We invite you to join the HCBA ’ s Lawyer Referral & Information Service , which is certified by the American Bar Association and backed by The Florida Bar .
LRIS works with the 13th Judicial Circuit and the Clerk of Court ' s Office to provide marketing materials in prime locations . The service also partners with WTVT FOX 13 in Tampa for a monthly viewer segment providing information and advice from our attorneys . LRIS also occasionally arranges community speaking engagements for members .
for more information , call ( 813 ) 221-7780 or visit https :// hillsbarlrs . com / pages / for-lawyers .
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