Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 13
According to the CDC, chronic diseases and
conditions? such as heart disease, stroke, cancer,
Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis? are among
the most common of all health problems in the US.
And they predict that by the year 2030, the number
of Americans living with a chronic disease will
increase by 37% . Also, the prevalence of
autoimmune diseases and allergies has been
increasing since the 1950?s; the National Institute
of Health estimates that one in five people are
currently suffering from an autoimmune disorder.
That is 20% of t he US popul at ion!
The most common symptom of an autoimmune
disease and other chronic illness is inflammation.
Inflammation is part of the body's immune
response. It can be beneficial when, for example,
your arm is hurt, and tissues need to be repaired.
Though, when inflammation sticks around longer
than necessary, it causes more harm than benefit.
Many factors can trigger chronic inflammation.
However, the source can be narrow down to
toxicity and deficiency due to emotional and
physical stress, poor diet, and exposure to toxins.
The Sol ut ion
The good news is that by taking some simple and
inexpensive measures, such as consuming
high-qual it y herbal suppl ement s, watching what
you eat and what you think, these disorders are
reversible. It sounds too simple to be true, but is
not. This approach has been applied successfully
by Eastern medicine for centuries, and in the late
twentieth century, the value of herbs, a proper diet
as well as the interaction between psychological
processes and the nervous and immune systems
began to be recognized in the West as well.
Not only is more and more research demonstrating
the importance of herbs and diet to our health, it
also shows how changes in human consciousness
produce changes in the human body. This research
reveals how our bodies respond to each of our
thoughts and feelings and create cascades of
biochemicals in our bodies that produce a positive
or negative change in our cells.
faith? contribute to our health, happiness, and
longevity more than our genes. In fact, ?Genes
account for about 35% of longevity, while
lifestyles, diet, and other environmental factors,
including support systems, are the major reason
people live longer,? states Blair Justice, PhD, in his
book, Who Gets Sick.
According t o t he
Journal of American
Medical Assoc., side
ef f ect s f rom medical
int ervent ions is now t he
THIRD l eading cause of
deat h in America, AND
t here is evidence
point ing out t his is
INCORRECT. In f act , it
may be t he NUMBER ONE
l eading cause of deat h.
- Toni Camacho
This is clearly seen in identical twins when one
develops a condition such as rheumatoid arthritis
or cancer and the other does not. While identical
twins share the same genes, researchers in
epigenetics and gene expression are discovering
that environmental factors influence how each of
their genes is expressed.
Such is the case with Josephine Tesauro and her
identical twin. At ninety-two, Josephine had a
straight back and was vibrant and healthy. She
lived alone and worked a part-time job in a hospital
gift shop. Josephine drove herself to work, bridge
clubs, church, and the grocery store.
On the other hand, her sister, at the same age, was
incontinent. She had a hip replacement, suffered
from a degenerative disorder that destroyed most
Additionally, science is now demonstrating that
of her vision, and had dementia. Josephine and her
genes determine physical characteristics such as
sister have identical genes, and yet they have
eye color and height. However, our environment
completely different health paths. This seems to be
and consciousness? including our beliefs about
a prevalent phenomenon observed in identical
health and aging, prayers, thoughts, intentions, and
Page 13 - Sept . 2018