Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 12

T rueH ealing comes from M other N ature M ultidimensional Healing By Best Selling Author, Her bablist and Wellness Coach Toni Camacho Edit or 's Not e: As long as there have been animals and humans, the earth has always provided natural remedies in which to make better or heal ailments. Hippocr at es (460-377 B.C.) w as qu ot ed as sayin g, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine by thy food." Toni Camacho, a well-educated and renowned herbalist tells us the reality of healing without the potent chemical drugs formulated by Western Medicine. No longer must we use the remedies that simply relieve the symptoms and lets the illness manifest into something bigger. This article talks about why there is a huge need to go back to the days of Hippocrates... back to the days when natural herbalists were hunting the ground for specific plants they knew were vital in healing specific illnesses and diseases. As we find out from Toni, we no longer need to be dependent on Western Medicine to initiate healing. The true healing powers of the Mother Nature can actually cure a dire situation, while WE heal our emotions that play a role in depressing our immune system. On a per son al level, Ton i Com ach o h elped m e t o r ever se a devast at in g ch r on ic con dit ion t h r ou gh h er pow er f u l h er bal su pplem en t s in w h ich w est er n m edicin e on ly m ade w or se. - Jew els Joh n son Pl ease read t his. It coul d l it eral l y save you or a l oved one's LIFE. Page 12 - Nov., 2018 1