Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 14
In his studies, Mario F. Fraga of the Spanish
National Cancer Center has observed that, early in
life, identical twins? genetic expression is
indistinguishable. However, older sets of twins
show significant differences in their gene
expression and medical histories, and this is more
noticeable in twins that have spent the most time
apart, leading scientists to conclude that lifestyle
and the environmental factors play a significant
role in the development of diseases.
negative emotions associated with unforgiveness,
such as anger and hatred, creates a state of chronic
anxiety. He further states, ?Chronic anxiety very
predictably produces excess adrenaline and
cortisol, which deplete the production of natural
killer cells, which is your body?s foot soldier in the
fight against cancer.?
Therefore, to heal any illness, it is necessary to
encourage an equilibrium between and within our
mind and body.
Additionally research in epigenetics tells us that
The Best Approach t o Heal t h and Longevit y Is
genes only produce potentiality, a foundation, and
Mul t idimensional
not a specific phenomenon. According to Gary
Holistic medicine views human bodies as wholes,
Marcus, PhD, it is more precise to think of genes as
more than just a sum
?providers of
opportunities? or
Ton i Cam ach o m ixes h er ow n h er bal su pplem en t s t o of parts. On the other
m at ch t h e n eeds of h er clien t s.
hand, conventional
?sources of options?
medicine is
than ?as rigid
dictators of destiny.?
reductionist. It is full
At the same time,
of specialists, focused
researchers report
on one organ or system
that our thoughts,
of the body. However,
feelings, and external
the systems and organs
environments ? such
of the human body do
as social networks,
not work in isolation,
food, and
and they are composed
toxins? turn our
of many biochemical
genes on and off.
and bioenergetic
Therefore, the science of epigenetics supports
feedback loops that cannot be looked at
what holistic medicine has said for thousands of
years: our actions, feelings, and environment
Moreover, approximately 60% of the causes of
contribute to our health status. We are not victims
health problems cannot be explained by what
of our genes; instead the condition of our health is
conventional medicine often considers triggers,
in our hands.
like pathogens, genetic factors, and so on.
In fact, these discoveries now classify
Consequently they do not have an explanation for
unforgiveness as a disease. According to Dr.
them, and this reinforces treating the symptoms
Steven Standiford, Chief of Surgery at the Cancer
with toxic medications that weaken the body even
Treatment Centers of America, "Refusal to Forgive"
more (and create many side effects).
makes people sick and keeps them ill. He explains,
Our bodies and our environments are too complex
?It?s important to treat emotional wounds or
to continue using this approach to health, which is
disorders because they really can hinder
why Western medicine is no longer serving us in
someone?s reactions to the treatments.?
cases of complex, out-of-the-box disorders such as
Similarly, studies have found that the actual act of
autoimmune and chronic illnesses.
forgiveness can improve your health by lowering
Also, blood tests and other techniques used by
your risk of heart attack, improving your
Western medicine to diagnose certain diseases are
cholesterol levels and sleep, and reducing pain,
based on what conventional medicine calls
blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and stress.
?normal? ranges, but what happens when a person
According to Dr. Michael Barry, harboring the
is experiencing symptoms AND yet his or her
Page 14 Nov., 2018